It was one of those “you had to be there” moments the other evening at the Palace on Whiskey Row. The event was Supervisor Carol, No-act-of-Patronage-too-Great-No-Political-Payoff-too-Small, Springer’s re-election campaign. The usual suspects were there, some of her hack appointments to county positions, a major land-owner that believes you and I are financially responsible to put in a road that will help him sell off his ranch, an old friend who just happens to be the beneficiary of a new lease agreement with the county, and others. Yes, this is the same financially conservative politician who ran as pay-as-you-go candidate and needlessly put the county $50 million in debt by using a loophole, which prevented a vote by the tax payers.
The keynote address, such as it was, was given by Bill, What,-Me-Resign?, Feldmeyer. Bill waxed long and loud about how Carol has always “been there for us”; “us” being those receiving the most largesse from the County. Sort of a Robin Hood scenario in reverse where the less fortunate donate to the very fortunate- - big time. He went further and slammed those new residents (people living here less than 5 years and from whom the good old boys have made a fortune selling real estate) as “attacking our way of life.” Strange statement when most people moving here, especially all those “new” people, did so precisely because of the way of life offered. Since those at the event were supporters, there was no-one to ask just what way of life was under attack.
So we will ask the question here. Just what is the “way of life” that is under attack. Is it that the major land owners and the construction industry have been all but given a free hand and that every conceivable desecration has been justified by “private property rights”? Is it that people are beginning to notice cracks in the “growth pays for growth” mantra and are having the audacity to ask questions and are sick of being taxed to cover the shortfall? Is it that many of these “new” people walk away from Planning and Zoning meetings with the belief that the only justification for zoning laws in Yavapai County is that it provides an excuse to hold meetings to grant exceptions? Is it that the local newspaper, The Daily Courier, editorials to the contrary notwithstanding, continually shirks its oversight responsibility to seriously investigate ANYTHING that local governments are doing and wouldn’t know what to do with an investigative reporter if it had one? Is it that getting anything resembling an honest answer from certain local government employees is all but impossible? Is it that any activity that is legal needn’t be concerned with ethics? Is it that you believe you have an absolute right to make a ton of dough off these “new” people, but they should have absolutely no say in government - - give us your money, go sit in the corner, and don’t bitch about the tax increases and bond issues that are necessary to preserve your “way of life”?
If the answers to those questions are “yes”, and I would reckon that they are, then I would agree that your “way of life” is indeed under attack. Rightly so and high time.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
The Yavapai "Way of Life" under attack
Posted by
prescottonian 1
9:15 AM
Springer doesn't get it..........
Our Yavapai County district 1 supervisor Carol Springer just doesn't get it. She continues to do stupid stuff, and she can't figure out why we want her OUTA HERE!!!!!!! As you probably read in the Courier and heard on KYCA Carol has won another round in the courts; specifically the challenge to her ballot petitions by Lockwood. The judge ruled there was no evidence that Springer violated any procedures or rules; case thrown out! BUT............. did any of you notice that Springers attorney was the county attorney!!! This was a lawsuit between Springer and Lockwood challenging the ballot petitions of Springer; is the county now paying Springers legal fees? I hope not as that is OUR money, not Springers ( stop laughing I know she thinks it is, but it don't make it so). Can somebaody verify if Springer used the Yavapi County attorney for personal work or.....................? Suspicious as usual
Your comments are welcome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by
prescottonian 1
8:54 AM